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Jake Rosencranz

Originally from Boston, Jake decided to make Colorado his home after graduating from the University of Denver. He served multiple years as a general contractor, rising from a project engineer to project manager to special projects division leader. Jake always strives to help clients achieve the best outcomes on all projects. He spends most weekends exploring the Rocky Mountains with his wife Leah and dog Bonnie.

Hobbies: Skiing, golf, and hiking

Bucket List Item: Skydiving, traveling to Greenland

Favorite Quote:

  • “When’s the best time to complete a task? Yesterday.” – Not sure who said this, but my wife reminds me often.

Book recommendation:

  • Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes are High by Kerry Patterson

Best trip I’ve taken:
Went on an impromptu trip to ski in Taos after a 36” snowstorm. We had a blast on the mountain and a better time après ski.

Favorite part about working in the industry:
Bringing my client’s vision to life and seeing something different every day on site.